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Clusters: Small Business Group Netweaving
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The Clusters: Small Business Group Netweaving Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts
IntroductionViews: 1331
Oct 10, 2009 10:46 amIntroduction#

C.S.Chandrasekkar (c.s.chandrasekkar@gmail.com)
I have been an independent business owner for 15 years, at present running a software company with two of my partners here in India.

Just now, am getting to understand the basic difference between a Business Owner and an Entrepreneur - INNOVATION.

Looking to network with other Entrepreneurs, IBO's and SBO's, share and learn, make friends from other parts of the world (with online networking is it really too far?)!

I have already been following posts of most of those here - Lamar Morgan, John Stephen Veitch, Teddy Towncrier, Eileen Brown to name a few - on other networks too.

Hope to learn more about them and others too!

Happy ryzing and cheers,


Private Reply to C.S.Chandrasekkar (c.s.chandrasekkar@gmail.com)

Oct 10, 2009 2:29 pmre: Introduction#

Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901


Welcome to Clusters. Since you have been following Teddy, Eileen, Paul and me, you have to know that we are big on "mutual collaboration." For us, business networking is not so much about sales as it is about making connections. Often, making connections means "lifting up the other guy...first."

Take Twitter, for example. Twitter does not work at all unless you "follow someone else...first." When you make the effort to follow someone else first, what happens? Someone else chooses to follow you? Why? I think there are two mainstream reasons:

1) They actually want to follow you. In fact, they may have automated their Twitter account through Socialtoo or TweetLater to automatically follow those who follow them.

2) You are following someone they admire and they choose via a service like Mr. Tweet to follow those who follow someone or some area they believe would benefit their business.

We just wrapped up production of magnetic to-do-list boards. These boards are designed to be placed on refrigerator doors advertising the businesses of Ryzers to folks living in Lake County, CA. One hundred boards are on their way to me. I will be manually stuffing them into goodie bags and handing them out at a community plaza next Thursday.

That is an example of something which can being accomplished through folks around the world working together. Well, Christmas is coming. What are you doing to promote your business for the holidays? We already have the prototype. We could easily tweak the design and make it about Christmas. Ryzer Sherry Simoes in Canada created the design. She could easily load the design up to Zazzle.com and you could order your tailor-made board right from there.

Keep in mind, what makes the to-do-list board such a powerful marketing tool is that it is not simply about one business. It's about "a community." The board sends a message that we are all on this Big Blue Marble together. Let's help each other out. If only one business were featured on the board, it would cost that one party a lot more to do the promotion. But, by working in mutual collaboration with other business, not only do you lower your cost, you enhance your business's credibility by being showcased among other businesses.

The message of the to-do-list board to the small business community is - "You need to be on a to-do-list board for the Christmas holidays." But, don't do it along. Do it in mutual collaboration with other businesses. And now, the Ryze Business Network has shown that it can indeed "make that magic happen."

Lamar Morgan
CDMM - Synergistic Business Marketing
Need PR?...Call Lamar!

Private Reply to Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901

Oct 28, 2009 2:13 pmre: re: Introduction#

C.S.Chandrasekkar (c.s.chandrasekkar@gmail.com)
Hi Lamar!

Warm greetings of the day!

I know this is a late reply and apologize.

Too much work and the overwhelming entry into serious networking cuts down my time a lot...

1. Taking words from you and John, have joined Twitter. I have just started. Already follwing around 25 - 35, including Teddy, Eileen and Paul (Did you wish him on his birthday today?).

Came here to hunt for your twitter url to follow. Mine is http://www.twitter.com/chanduroo

2. I am studying socialtoo, tweetlater and Mr. Tweet. Will sign up soon..

Regarding the magnetic to-do-list boards: It sounds good but I have some apprehensions:

I am at Coimbatore, India - where while International Brands sell, International Services without a local establishment do not sell well. Moreover, culturally, Christmas is not a mass festival over here.

But then, New year is a big hit and definitely there are many other festivals much popular. Now, this in mind can you suggest how we can take this forward?


Private Reply to C.S.Chandrasekkar (c.s.chandrasekkar@gmail.com)

Oct 28, 2009 4:02 pmre: re: re: Introduction#

Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901


Do you have a business networking groups like a Chamber of Commerce there in India? Do you have FedX Office? If you have both, then through folks here on Ryze, we can make design a to-do-list board for your group. And, we don't mail to India. It gets created there locally. You simply go the local FedX shop and pick it up. This is the wonderful thing about mutual collaborative efforts. We can utilize the skills and resources of folks around the world to make wonderful and cost-effective things happen locally.

For example, I could have you or anyone here on Ryze that has a Skype account as a guest on my talk show, Power Networking. All I have to do is make a phone call.

The real challenge is not the technology. The real challenge is getting people to CARE and PAY ATTENTION.

Lamar Morgan
CDMM - Synergistic Business Marketing
Need PR?...Call Lamar!

Private Reply to Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901

Nov 04, 2009 10:00 pmre: Introduction#

Mikelina West


Private Reply to Mikelina West

Nov 14, 2009 8:13 amre: re: Introduction#

C.S.Chandrasekkar (c.s.chandrasekkar@gmail.com)
Thanks Mikelina, for your warm welcome!

C.S.CHANDRASEKKAR - Diverse Entreprenuer from IT to AGRICULTURE
Founder and Partner - Minveli Infotech http://www.minveli.in
Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/in/cschandrasekkar
Twitter: http://twitter.com/chanduroo

Private Reply to C.S.Chandrasekkar (c.s.chandrasekkar@gmail.com)

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