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Are you doing this yet? ~~~ Internet Friends Goodie Bags for local meetings...Views: 958
Oct 03, 2009 1:20 amAre you doing this yet? ~~~ Internet Friends Goodie Bags for local meetings...#

Eileen Brown
Hey Folks.

I've had an idea just looking around here today.

Some of you attend Chamber of Commerce meetings, Business
owner mixers, Jaycees meetings and so forth. Have you
thought of asking online friends (here at Ryze) to send
you business cards, pens, key chains or the like to build
an introduction goodie bag for meeting giveaways?

Specify a number of items, say 50 of something or a number
of how many attendees you expect from each member who wants
to advertise and build your own goodie bag to give away
with a mixture of services from PEOPLE YOU KNOW on Ryze.

With the Holidays coming up, this might be the very best
time to be assembling bags to give to potential clients IN

If you plan carefully, you could build a bag with a letter
of introduction to summarize your friends and their
services, how you met them on Ryze and so forth.

OR have each vendor write a letter of how they met YOU on
ryze and the projects you've worked together or clients
you've referred... Funny Ryze anecdotes, etc.

Holiday goodie bags are fun to make and assembling them
could be a family project. If you assemble 50 bags, you
could be ready for several meetings or a mixer party at
your own home or business.

I don't attend mixers as a rule, but I do attend PLF
(Prairie Land Food) meetings once a month here in Derby as
I am the volunteer secretary for our host site. There are
usually six to eight other volunteers in attendance and
many of those ladies have jobs or own a business in town.
It would be a pleasure to give each one a nice bag with
business information from my friends on Ryze, along with
whatever gifts I give them this holiday season.

I also attend workshops for PLF yearly where a hundred or
so folks attend.

Then there is my client base, for whom I send bags and
boxes in December or January with my AD materials as a
thank you for their business. Many of these are local.
Some of the long distance clients have never received
anything from my business, as they may not have been put on
the correct lists, and such. I hope this year to be able
to get bag/box to everyone.

Anyhowsen, local goodie bags for Ryze Friends,
What's your take on this?

Eileen :D

Tweet ME @SuperEB - http://twitter.com/SuperEB
Web Development - http://www.bekansas.com/
Web Site Graphics - http://www.buddywebgraphics.com/
ABHP http://abhp-network.ryze.com/ ~~~ JOKE http://todaysjoke-network.ryze.com/

Private Reply to Eileen Brown

Oct 03, 2009 1:42 amre: Are you doing this yet? ~~~ Internet Friends Goodie Bags for local meetings...#

Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901


Have you ever thought about using Zazzle.com for the creation of goodie bag stuffers. But, rather than having the goodies shipped to you, they get shipped to the party willing to stuff them for distribution. In other words, you pay for the shipment, but someone else stuffs and distributes your merchandise for you. What you are doing is helping someone else's goodie bag promotion become a success, but at the same time promote yourself and put in less physical labor to accomplish the task.

Lamar Morgan
Network Moderator

Private Reply to Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901

Oct 03, 2009 3:15 pmre: re: Are you doing this yet? ~~~ Internet Friends Goodie Bags for local meetings...#

Eileen Brown
Hi Lamar.

No, and mostly because I enjoy the work, it's a departure
from the keyboard! You know? LOL

For years I was a member at "Mom-Swap" a group of thousands
of ladies on Yahoo! and I received any number of business
cards, 100 in a whack to add to goodie bags, BUT some of
the ladies I simply did not know and did not know the
quality of their work or services. SO, I opted out some
years ago.

I plan to INVITE some folks I know to send me business
cards, letters and/or give aways to add to bags this year.
Last year, I didn't do any as time did not allow. I had
the living room and kitchen ceilings redone and the rooms
painted between Thannksgiving and Christmas so my WHOLE
LIFE was upside down! I am still suffering with some
disorganization on that count (can you believe THAT? I
almost can't and it's MY house! sheesh - LOL)

At any rate, the business people in my family are a great
bunch of folks and I sometimes get recommendations from
them too for local business. I do mix personal and
business on a regular basis and find it enhances both types
of relationships.

Maybe I'll check on your suggestion though. You never know
what services might come in handy in a pinch!

Eileen :D

Tweet ME @SuperEB - http://twitter.com/SuperEB
Web Development - http://www.bekansas.com/
Web Site Graphics - http://www.buddywebgraphics.com/
ABHP http://abhp-network.ryze.com/ ~~~ JOKE http://todaysjoke-network.ryze.com/

Private Reply to Eileen Brown

Oct 03, 2009 6:57 pmre: re: re: Are you doing this yet? ~~~ Internet Friends Goodie Bags for local meetings...#

Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901


Here's the creative thing about Zazzle. You can upload a design for all manner of things - T-shirts, mugs, caps, etc. Zazzle will brand the item with your design. Therefore, your product gets created and manufactured on and by Zazzle. People go to Zazzle to purchase as much or as little as they want. Every time something with your design gets purchased, you get a commission. No need for your to keep track of an inventory. No need for you to keep track of paperwork. Zazzle takes care of all that for you. No need for potential customers to purchase in bulk quantities, either. Just purchase what you need - even if it is a single item.

Let's take a real-life example. Sherry Simoes has created and put together this wonderful to-do-list board. She has used her contacts and resources to put it together. But, what happens if folks want to order more boards after the initial creation of 100, but modify the appearance of a board for their own niche's benefit? Well, that could be a real hassle, were it not for the resources of Zazzle. Sherry can simply modify her design and upload it to Zazzle for her customer. Zazzle, not Sherry, will take care of everything else with regard to production and sale. Zazzle will even forward the customer's payment to Sherry's PayPal account.

What we have here is a collaborative effort between people with clever ideas, Zazzle, and people who need promotional items.

Lamar Morgan
CDMM - Synergistic Business Marketing
Need PR?...Call Lamar!

Private Reply to Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901

Oct 03, 2009 7:30 pmre: re: re: re: Are you doing this yet? ~~~ Internet Friends Goodie Bags for local meetings...#

Sherry Simoes
Great idea Lamar. I am looking forward to adding these boards to Zazzle after we sell the last 2 ads!

Also, thanks to Lamar telling me about Zazzle I just set up a Women of Today Store and have a creative idea that my son and I are going to do together to make a Crazy Tees Store!

Have a peek at my new store!

Sherry Lynn Simoes

Private Reply to Sherry Simoes

Oct 05, 2009 4:13 pmre: re: re: re: re: Are you doing this yet? ~~~ Internet Friends Goodie Bags for local meetings...#

Eileen Brown
Hiya Sherry.

The visual aid you provide here helps tremendously.
Very nice indeed! I'm certanly up for "easy!"

Eileen :D

Tweet ME @SuperEB - http://twitter.com/SuperEB
Web Development - http://www.bekansas.com/
Web Site Graphics - http://www.buddywebgraphics.com/
ABHP http://abhp-network.ryze.com/ ~~~ JOKE http://todaysjoke-network.ryze.com/

Private Reply to Eileen Brown

Oct 05, 2009 7:16 pmre: re: re: re: re: re: Are you doing this yet? ~~~ Internet Friends Goodie Bags for local meetings#

Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901


That website is on Zazzle.com. Did Zazzle actually assist you in creating that site? How long did it take to create it? Was this actually done within a few minutes?

You could easily associate a budURL with that web address and shorten it to budurl.com/WomenofTodayProducts or whatever fits your promotional idea. You do not have to be locked into the numbers at the end of the web address. I think that detracts from your message. I encourage you to use an alternate web address to bring traffic to your site.

Lamar Morgan
CDMM - Synergistic Business Marketing
Need PR?...Call Lamar!

Private Reply to Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901

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